Sunday, June 5, 2011

House on the Hill and the Reboot.

I began approaching a very large mansion built into a lush green hill. The grass around it was tall, up to my knees, and it swayed in the wind. I took a look behind me as I ascended the lawn, only to see a vast sea of grass until the horizon. Dark clouds rolled in from that direction, slowly. I continued up until I reached a patio which had an entrance into the building. The archway was made of marble, the house itself seemed to be built of stone yet was very modern. Smooth, white, and almost castle-like. I entered the hallway and found an elevator that only went down. It was striking because it seemed to be the only metal in the house, these doors and transport.
Upon reaching the bottom floor i noticed it was a very solid bunker, deep below the surface and embedded into the hill. It was here that I encountered Sian, who grabbed me by the wrist and took me to a room full of canned foods and agriculture. A beautiful setup of plants and vegetables growing in this subterranean lair. We ventured through and in the next room was a square television, ten inches all around. We began playing a fighting video game, much like those of Capcom past, yet it had every known character from anything you can imagine (or, that I can imagine, I suppose).
After playing for a while I have to use the restroom, so I tell her I will be back. I get up and head towards the elevator but something catches my eye. I turn to my left and find a room with four horse-sized guinea pigs. Without question I mount one and ride it up a spiraled stone ramp, followed by the other three, which leads me to the exterior of the building. It is now raining slightly, thunder and lightning rolling across the clouds. I notice a very large barn that was not there before and thus go to investigate.
As I get close, the doors swing open and about 10 very large rams charge out. Their horns are magnificently white, as if made of ivory. They begin to charge me and my squad of g-pigs. I try to out manouver them and it works for a moment. Suddenlly, I notice a tall man standing on the upper level of the barn. All I can see is bright white, long, hair flowing from a skinny boney sillohette until lightning flashes, and he is lighten up. Dark grey skin, covered in scars and dirt. He points at me and more rams stampede from the barn. One of them slams into my mount and sends me flying through the air. I crash through a large glass window of the mansion, shards landing all around me as I tumble into what appears to be a dining room. Bloodied and bruised, I realize Sian is still downstairs-

~the sound of my phone awakens me. After some conversation and loving, I go back to sleep~

I am in a firefight. Everybody is dressed in cloths and rags, ranging from white to grey. In fact, everything now seems to be a brighter shade of grey, as if a mix between smoke and snow filled the air. There are two buildings facing each other, both slowly crumbling under the gunfire being shot from both sides. The only way to differentiate whose side I am on is that when I look at somebody who is an ally, they have a small orange triangle above their heads. I am laying on my back behind a small wall on the roof of the building. I have a sniper rifle. I am scared as hell, not knowing why I am here or why this is happening, but I look up and fire when I have the chance. Flat on my back, sit up, shoot, flat on my back, reload, sit up, shoot, flat on my back, reload...this goes on for I don't know how long. The tiny wall that is giving me just enough cover is slowly breaking down around me. Just then I realize I am being swarmed. Five enemies run around the corner and stare down at me. Before I can react, they have all began shooting.

everything is white. A voice asks me if I want to try my life over. If I choose to do so, it will be completely different, and all the consequences that entails. I choose to do so.

I am in a very old building, and I am a child. Maybe 6 years old. There is a boy and a girl that live with me, and a group of adults that have no faces. The building looks as tho it has barely been maintained. the ground is dirty, the wallpaper falling off. For some reason I shift perspective into the other boy (who happens to actually be me, and the girl sian. who the other character I have been so far in the dream is I am not sure, but we shall get back to him.)
We discuss how we must get out of this place. We know the horrible things the grown ups are planning. I grab sians hand and we beg the other boy to come with us, find an exit. He is too frightened tho, confused maybe. We leave him behind, thinking nothing of it, and wander the hallways. We find a wall that looks as if it is falling in on itself. Upon touching it, it ripples like gelatin. We slide on through into a room which wasn't even a room- a void of dark that we fell through for what seemed like ages. When we land, we are back in the old building. There are groups of teenagers drinking and listening to music. At this point, we realize we are also older. Wandering through the building, we find the boy from before, a teenager, long hair, his skin greyed and covered in self made scratches.
At this point my perspective switches back to the original character. I grab the two friends from my past and lead them to what appears to be a closet door. I open the door and many kids are in this small room. I began screaming like a beast, making noises and saying incohearent words. The partyers get freaked out and leave. I bite my nails, look around and tell my friends it is okay to come in. I point at all the writings on the wall. They are in many colors, as if drawn with crayon. Symbols of an eye with upside down random letters; phrases of words that don't make sense; crude drawings of heads exploding; words in foreign languages not of this earth; images of large horned creatures and lightning behind them. I explain that I have been locked in that room by the adults since they day they left. I had no idea where the writings on the wall came from, they had always been there. I drop to my knees and sob, because I see that the boy and girl next to me that were my friends are now faceless figures staring down at me. I scratch a large cut across my chest and fall down, face planting onto the wooden floorboards, inhaling a thick layer of dust.

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