Sunday, October 10, 2010

tame the raptor, get the mermaid

so I have been ignoring this place for a while, other then to look at other peoples stuff. I figure I should use it for something, so this shall become my dream log. enjoy my wondrous brain meats.

The dream starts off with me in a thick jungle. I am searching for food on the ground, it's some pear shaped fruit but it has seeds like a strawberry. When I find a nice patch of them I start diggin' in. About halfway thru eating all of them I hear a rustling next to me and turn to see a Jurassic park version of a raptor lunging at me. it was probably about 15 feet tall, brownish red. I roll out of the way and have a little Mexican standoff with it, then charge him full steam. It goes to bite me but I grab it's neck, swing around, and straddle it like a horse. Instantly it becomes tame and loyal haha. So I begin riding him around hunting for bigger more delicious food stuffs. I end up at this cliff that overlooks a camp of some sort, heavily guarded like a fort. 20 foot high wooden walls, all sharpened at the top. Upon closer inspection I saw the Nazi colors raised all around the camp. Naturally I realized Nazi camp, Nazi gold! I circled around the camp and found a weak spot in the wall. My dino easily crashed through the wooden gate and I am surrounded by German screaming and gunfire going off. I dismount and let him wreak havoc upon the guards while I stealthily explore the camp. While going around a corner a Nazi saw me and pointed his gun at my head. Time stood still I think, cuz it seemed like he just pointed at me for a few minutes. Then, as he was about to pull the trigger, dinosaurus awesome came and ripped his head off. I remember it kind of looked like he gave me a thumbs up, before I went into the building I was about to enter. Inside was a shit ton of gold, like mountains of coins and such. I start stuffing my pockets when I hear a gargled plea for help. Nearing the back of the warehouse, I see a large tank of water. It's dark and murky so I have to get close to make out what is inside. When I put my face on the glass, a mermaid started banging on the glass. She had dark blue colored dreadlocks, small crabs climbing through them. Her neck had gill slits on it, but her face was regular. Ignoring the fact that she would need water to breath, I bust open the tank and carry her outside. There are torn limbs and guns laying all over, walls are covered in blood. I whistle and dinobuddy shows up, riddled with bullet wounds but showing no signs of pain. Next thing I remember was me mounted on the dino, holding onto the mermaid in one arm, looking off into the distance with piles of Nazi corpses all around, the wooden gates on fire. Like some awesome frazetta poster.

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